are fruit flies attracted to uv lights

Are Fruit Flies Attracted To UV Light

Many flies are attracted to the UV spectrum. It is mainly because most flies are diurnal instead of nocturnal. They desire the bright light of the sun and at night they will be attracted to lights that resemble it. While they can see some of the light that humans can see their entire visual spectrum is shoved over by about fifty percent. This means green is the right edge of their visual spectrum and UV is actually near the centre of their visual spectrum which means they can see not only UV light from the sun but electricity as well. For all, we know flies can see electric charges running throughout power lines as easily as we can see the images moving on an LCD screen. When using this concept against a fly you can trick it into coming close to the light, with the help of some electrically active wire, the fly will be shocked to death. The flies are most attracted to lights hung at about 6 feet in the air as that is the height most flies fly at to find food and mates. While the flies ignore light traps and other light sources that are more than one hundred meters away but will be immediately attracted to a trap that is less than fifteen feet away.

infestation of fruit fliesElectric fly traps can be very effective in getting rid of flies, especially fruit flies and drain flies and even house flies. They can also do a great deal of damage to wasps. Like moths are also attracted to the UV spectrum. Some scientists believe that flying insects are attracted to the UV spectrum because they use the sun to guide their movement. This has also been argued as most flies have completely erratic flying patterns that seem specific to finding food. It’s also important to place the trap in the right area. It may seem smart to place it in the middle of the current infestation but is that area is somewhere you spend a lot of time that will only make things worse and the flies swarm the machine. Instead, place it somewhere far enough from the spot that it will draw the flies in and away from the active site. This will be more effective than putting it where they are already swarming. It is also very important to remember that while this device will be highly effective at night, in direct sunlight it will be essentially useless. This is an issue as most flies are not nocturnal. They wake in the day and sleep at night, usually on the ceiling so you have to hope the light is strong enough to trick them into thinking the light is the sun.

Be careful when using this device in an area where food is prepared or served. The device is high voltage and when an insect lands on it they often explode sending particles of insect all over the place. This can cause serious health issues if the particles get into your food. For this reason, you should only ever use fly glue traps in places where food is prepared or served like in a kitchen or restaurant. It is also absolutely important that you keep the device away from any sources of extreme heat, like an oven or sources of moisture or wetness. If this device gets wet it will not just stop working it may explode sending shards of glass screeching across the room at a high enough velocity to harm you severely.

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