difference between drain flies and fruit flies

Drain Flies V.S. Fruit Flies

Drain flies will infest your drains ins search of particles of food and are nearly impossible to get rid of because they live in the drains. Fruit flies are flies that do not just eat fruit. They are attracted to any sweet substance including beer which is one of their favourite foods. These insects are both frustrating, but that is where the similarity ends.

Drain flies, also known as sewer flies live in the sewer and are attracted to smells coming from sinks and drains that have food particles in them. They love homes with stacks of dirty dishes because there is a lot of food to eat. They are not limited to messy houses, however. Incorrectly disposing of food waste like bacon grease can cause an infestation in the cleanest house. Generally, you do not need to do anything to get drain flies other than not have deep cleaned your drains in a while. You can use all sorts of homemade chemicals and store-bought solutions for cleaning your drains. Drain-O the brand name formula is still the most popular for intense drain cleaning but some people would rather use something more natural to clean the drains so the chemicals don’t end up in our water.

flies on cakeDrain flies are fuzzy insects at about an eighth of an inch in size. This is how they can travel into drains with water in them, they are tiny and agile. They have a sort of moth-like appearance with fussy wings and antennae. However, they are not after your clothes. They are after your sink food. Getting rid of them can be as easy as cleaning your drain and changing how you deal with dirty dishes but it can also be steamed with a special filter connected between your home’s plumbing and the city sewers. This filter will not just stop drain flies but cockroaches and rats from coming into your home from the sewer.

Fruit flies can also come up from drains and also live in the sewer but not only the sewer. They can fly in through a window or under a door with no weather stripping and can smell out sweet things and go directly for it. They despise clean surfaces so make sure to scrub and clean any and all spills and they will not like your home. They are very small, much smaller than drain flies and have bright red eyes and brown bodies with stripes. They lay eggs in rotting fruit so make sure you cover the food garbage with a heavy lid to prevent them from laying eggs in there and multiplying.

Getting rid of fruit flies is actually very simple. You simply make a trap they cannot deny. Take a glass or bottle and fill it with about a quarter cup of apple cider vinegar. Then find a piece of old fruit fliesfruit, preferably very old and smelly and put it in the container with the apple cider vinegar. A cup is better because you can put it in a large piece. You then put plastic wrap over it and poke holes with a sewing needle. You want the holes and small as possible. This will attract them to enter the holes and then become stuck in the container unable to find the way they entered. This is very effective and aside from cleaning your kitchen and dining room, you should soon be fruit fly free.

Now, if you do all of this and nothing lets up, you still have a massive swarm of them all over your house then you will have to call a professional exterminator. An exterminator can do an ultralight spray of pesticide that will mist over the surfaces the insects stand on most, when they make contact they will suffer nerve damage and die as the pesticide absorbed into their body. This is the last case scenario.

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