How To Make a Home-made Fly Trap For Outside

How To Make a Home-made Fly Trap For Outside

Flies are a severe infestation that can cause serious illness to the inhabitants of an infested property. Outdoor flies are not like indoor flies through indoor flies can go outside and outdoor flies can go inside. However, the food and nesting sights they are looking for a specifically separated by the inside and the outside. Black flies and houseflies are common outside. These are not related to the indoor drain fly and fruit fly, though they can be outside as well. The black fly and the house fly are similar in shape but the house fly is metallic, iridescent green and looks smaller and less threatening. The black fly is large and hair with red eyes and large bussing wings. They bother humans more because they are more aggressive and more intent on finding places to lay their eggs. Now do not worry, they don’t want to lay eggs in you but they do want to drink your ice cream sandwich for its nutrients and then find some rotting meat or animal feces to lay their eggs in. House flies tend to be exclusively interested in feces and dung, rotting meat and general detritus on the ground. They buzz around humans but not nearly as aggressively and frustratingly as black flies. House flies and black flies are both very dangerous. They cannot harm you physically aside from flying into your eye but they are covered in dangerous diseases and bacteria. You can easily get food poisoning from food that multiple flies have crawled on and if you have a pet the situation can grow out of control rapidly. The best way to stop flies from appearing on your property is to make sure there are no feces in your yard. That is the fastest way to get outdoor flies. Make sure your garbage is very well sealed and put in the garage. There should be no smell at all coming from your garbage. You must also inspect your yard regularly for any kind of dead animal. A dead mouse in your garden shed could cause a massive infestation of house flies and it would take years to find the cause. So make sure to keep your home tidy to make inspections easy and your garage and shed as well. You should be able to see the entire floor without having to move anything. All tools should be hung on hooks and racks. Nothing should be on the floor, especially cardboard boxes that attract cockroaches. There is a lot to do to protect your home from pests and it all starts with taking away access to their food.

fly homemade trap using sugar waterIf you already have an infestation and you cannot find the cause of it. Perhaps the infestation is coming from a neighbouring property or the sewers themselves. There could be a dead animal somewhere in a tree or just under a large rock that is feeding the infestation but whatever it is there are house flies and black flies on your property. The best way to handle them is to use their love of rot against them. Like with drain flies and fruit flies the house fly and black fly are only interested in the rotting meat and feces to lay eggs. They do not eat that material. They eat sweet liquid residues that pool in it but what they want is the refined sugar that humans create with corn and cane.

To trick them you must build a trap. This trap must trap them physically and entice them behaviourally. The best type of trap is made with sugar water which is essentially the food of all insects. Put this in a narrow jar and then roll a piece of paper into a cone and tape it so it stays firm. Make sure the sharp side has a hole large enough for the flies to get through but not so big they can fly back out. Put the cone small end down into the jar making sure the paper does not tough the sugar liquid. This will trap flies in an ocean of their food.

Alternatively, you can try setting up an oscillating fan. Flies like these do not like breezes and prefer still air to fly in, if you place the fan near where your family spends time outside then you will find the flies turning in the other direction. You can also use fly glue traps, just don’t walk into them by accident.

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