Why Are There So Many Flies In My House

Why Are There So Many Flies In My House

In victorian times flies would appear seemingly by magic over rotting meat. It was their opinion that flies were not of this world and would appear spontaneously from hell to infest rotting meet as some sort of punishment from God. Black flies and house flies were the most common and people would swat at them with fear thinking they were demonic and could cause a pestilence. Little did they know the pestilence would come from rats and mice infected by birds.

If you are seeing flies in your home they are assuredly not coming from a place of damnation but it is understandable if you feel that way. They are an aggressive and dangerous infestation that can cause food poisoning and drive some people to total lunacy. Stories abound of people tearing a room apart, smashing a television set or knocking over everything in their path trying to swat a fly. Home remedies for flies are not easy to make and use and are generally ineffective. If you have flies in your home you have only two real choices. Call a professional to have them spray the home with pesticides or take away the flies’ reason for being in your home which is most definitely for food. Flies will eat just about anything and they prefer food that is rotting because they cannot actually eat anything. They suck the rotting liquid off of the meat or vegetables and crawl around it to find more. They will also do this to fresh food and cooked food that is not too hot. Flies do not know this and will often land in the hot soup only to be boiled alive by the heat.

get rid of flies at homeWhile the house fly dies off in less than a month and often in as little as fifteen days they do lay many eggs and they do this every single day they are alive. House flies can populate your homes in less than a month and become a major issue in that same time. While a fly coming into your house may not worry you, if that fly is pregnant with eggs it will become an issue in less time than you can imagine. They can lay up to one-hundred and fifty eggs at a time and will lay eggs at least 6 to ten times in their lifetime as they find food.

House flies prefer warmth and are not able to survive cold temperatures. This is why the season of house flies and other flies is so short. They need warmth to hatch especially. If you notice flies in your home you can turn the temperature down if it is cold outside, this will not bother the adults but will kill the eggs. This means turning the temperature in the house down to zero or off if the outside is cold enough. This is not a guarantee but is highly effective to kill the eggs. That being said, more will be layed in a few hours so it is best to try to kill off both the eggs and the adults.

The best way to get rid of them is to get rid of the food they want. Make sure not to leave anything out and to clean every dish and piece of cutlery and every pan and pot used to make your dinner. Wash it all vigorously, dry and store it right away. Make sure to seal your food garbage tightly and clean your recycling containers or seal them in a container as well. Even a small piece of rotting food will keep them alive for months.

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